How to Remove URLs from Google

After comparing many other methods for bulk URL removal, including websites, Google extensions, and custom code, I found that they were either costly or ineffective. So, I wrote a script to fulfill the need to remove URLs from Google. If you have additional needs, feel free to contact the site administrator.

Remove URLs Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Open F12 on Google Removal Page

First, go to the Google Search Console removal page. Once there, pressF12 on your keyboard to open the developer tools.

Open F12

Step 2: Modify the JS File

Open the removeurls.js file and replace the placeholder URLs with the URLs you want to remove from Google.

Modify JS File

Step 3: Paste and Execute the Code

Copy the modified code from removeurls.js and paste it into the console in the developer tools. PressEnter to execute the code. Please note that Google allows up to 200 URL removals per day.

Paste Code

Remove URLs Video Tutorial

Remove URLs JS Script: removeurls.js

Below is the content of the removeurls.js file that you need to use:

Download ScriptPaste Code